Navigating Life In Your 30’s

So..I’m currently struggling with myself. I’m in my 30’s, married, kids, you know all the good stuff. I’m not saying life is bad by any means. What I am saying is I don’t know who I am. Some place through the years I have lost myself. Or, maybe not exactly lost myself more of just not knowing what I am supposed to be doing.

Did you know there are no books out there (at least that I could find) that tell you what life’s expectations are for people in their 30’s? Seriously, yes I have been searching! Maybe it’s weird that I have actually looked or maybe you are struggling to so you get it.

NavigatingLifeIn Your30's

Here’s the deal- I do not know what I want to do with my life! Pretty general statement right? Well, I don’t. I see all these women who have great careers, happy marriages (mine is completely fine by the way), happy kids, and these people just love life. Some days I feel like there is just something missing. Something that I am missing out on. I’m not sure what it is (this is why I have been searching for a book) but I am desperate to find it.

My husband goes to work every.single.morning. I am cool with that. However, I’m left to get kids ready and off to school, pick them up, get them to activities, and everything else they need. I also feel that its my job to feed these people, clean, do laundry, and everything else that goes with life. I am more than happy doing this. But.. at the same time Who exactly am I? What career do I have? None. I stay home, I lost myself along the way.

I had kids and got married very early in my 20’s. There are people who are in their early 30’s that are maybe just getting married because they spent their 20’s going to college and figuring out what they wanted in life. I’m not super sad that I didn’t go to college. I don’t think I would have hacked it anyway at that age in my life. But, these people also were able to experience life at a completely different level than I did. Here’s the question again, who am I? What do I have to offer to my sweet girls? I can’t offer then advice on college and choosing a path for an amazing career. I can only offer them the “IF I could go back” lines and hope to god that they are proud of the person that I am.

You also have the people who did figure their life out, got married in their late 20’s and now that they are in the early 30’s they are just starting to have kids. Again, I’m past all that. So, Who am I? What do I do now? I’m certainly not going to have any more children. Two girls is enough for me. The parent’s that we meet through our kids at school have careers, have their lives together, and are maybe at the same stage in life as us, but, not the same ages. Not that age is a problem at all. I just feel like they already have life figured out.

There is just so many things that happen in your 30’s that nobody talks about or advises you on how to navigate through. So.Much.Stuff. I remember being pregnant and reading the book “What to Expect When Expecting”. Such a great read at the time. It was filled with so much information. Where are the books on what to expect of life in your 30’s? Why, oh why do I feel as though I am going through a mid-life crisis??? Am I the only one who’s ever felt this way? There’s no way. I can’t be. You have people getting married or divorced. Having babies or very sadly not being able to have babies. Why haven’t we all come together to support each other yet?

Maybe the problem is just me as a person. Am I to selfish? How can I be when I am always doing things for everyone else? Maybe a huge part of why I feel like this is because since I have turned 30 my skin is starting to look old to me, I am not confident in my own body. We can blame that on a whole lotta crap food and having kids. I envy the moms who are so confident in themselves. I wish that could be me. I feel as though people think of me as the B word. I absolutely do not think I am. I guess maybe I need to smile more and that would kill two birds with one stone. Not having as many wrinkles and not having resting B face, right?

Back to navigating life in your 30’s…How are you doing it? Share with me how I can find something that I am passionate about while still fulling parenting and wifely duties? What do you do? Please tell me I am not stuck like this forever!

-What makes me happy?

-What are a few things I am good at?

-What skills do I have?

-What is something I can do daily for myself?

Asking myself or yourself these questions is certainly a good place to start. Really, I just want to read a book that can give me more in depth information on life in your 30’s. Hahaha is that really to much to ask?

I’d love for you to leave a comment sharing something about life in your 30’s! Maybe we can all come together and figure out one thing each of us feel’s we need. Happiness, Support, Career, anything! Share your ideas with me <3