Have you ever just sat down and cried because you feel like you are just failing at everything? Failing at work, failing as a parent, failing as a wife, failing at just being you? That’s where I’m at. I’m at a point where I have no idea which direction to go because I know that I am not putting in 100% of me in any one aspect that I should be. I feel so overwhelmed that I just have no idea where to start to bring everything back together.
I have been so burnt out with life lately. It’s time to gain balance back and a quality life. I’ve been really thinking about what I want and what we need to get control. I recently read “Living Well Spending Less” it was such an amazing read. It made me want to write goals and do everything she says in the book. I’ve really been struggling thinking that maybe I should go work outside of the home. Really… That is NOT something I want to do. I love having the freedom to be there for my girls and live life freely. However, that doesn’t come without stress when you have bills and many other financial obligations. I know that in order to continue staying home I have a lot that I need to work on and figure out…
One of the BIG things we need to do to to help our life is stop eating out! We are HUGE on going out to eat. I think the only reason we do this is for the convenience. Brian doesn’t get home until 6 and if I haven’t gone grocery shopping and planned out meals then we just go out as soon as he gets home. If I’m being real and honest… We have only eaten at home a handful of times in the last year. I’m about to change that. Im going to start to meal plan for the weeks and as time goes by and I stay consistent with it it will save us around $1,000 a month or a little more. When I hear that it makes me crazy thinking how terrible we have been eating and how much we could have been saving!! I want to be healthy and I want my girls to be healthy and learn healthy habits. First goal right here- STOP EATING OUT! Now its out in the open please don’t judge.. I’m sure you know exactly how hard it is to cook a healthy balanced meal every night of the week when you are running kids here, there, and everywhere. I’m sure I’m not the only person who actually wishes there were more hours in a day.
So, if my number one goal is to stop eating out- that brings me to lists…do you love lists? I’ll be honest they scare me! I avoid them at all costs. But…I know I need to start creating lists to keep life on track. I do love myself a really awesome planner. I do prefer a paper planner over using a digital planner. I like seeing it right in front of my eyes. I still need to find the perfect life planner that allows me to meal plan, budget, and plan life. After reading Living Well Spending Less I decided to give Ruth’s planner a-go. This planner lets me budget and keep track of life. I just wish it had a special spot to meal plan. I could certainly use this planner for that as well since she has some pretty awesome meal planning printables. I just want the most perfect planner that has everything all in one spot. If you have a planner you think is amazing please share so I can check it out!
There were so many awesome tips in the book I felt as though she knew exactly what I needed to hear- I mean read! She talked about decluttering your home and life (which we will save for another day because that is a post in itself) saving money and just plain taking control of life. Don’t get me wrong I am certainly not lazy by any means. It’s just that our house and our life is so unorgainized, I’m super excited to start doing all of these things. I tend to have depression and anxiety from all of these things. Clutter I think may be the death of me first of all. We need to add that as goal number two. Declutter our home. We seriously have way to much stuff. No one tells you all the things that come along with kids! I swear we should all be given a warning that kids will come with clutter. Clutter from grandparents, birthdays, holidays anything you can think of. But seriously if you read this book it will put the most clear picture in your head of what you need to do to face all of that!
I’d love to hear your tips on how you find that balance in life! Or if you just know of the most awesome planner 🙂