Best Black Friday Deals 2017

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I’m sure you have heard me mention before Black Friday. I’m not exactly sure why but I have such a deep love for Black Friday. I will not criticize anyone who is willing to leave their Thanksgiving dinner for a good deal. Well.. maybe I would.

I have always shopped Black Friday. Usually I drag my mom around with me since she is always willing to grin and go. I made the mistake of taking my husband one year. Now, he had never done Black Friday and didn’t understand how some people can get a little bit crazy. That was the year that I also told him to go grab a 6 pack and go out to the car and drink it because I was regretting bringing him with me!!

I’m personally not a crazy shopper. I just like to go out and watch everything that is happening. Of course I love the deals but Black Friday for me is more about getting household things that I have been needing or wanting. I also stock up on my husbands work attire as well. I do pick up gifts for the kids now if I see something that I know they will like.

I’ve put together a list of some of the best Black Friday deals for you. Maybe you are like me and have been needed some of these items or they are on someones wish list! Check it out and make your plan. 🙂


These Beats Headphones are a good deal! They will be $49.99 on Black Friday. They come in 3 colors- Gold, Rose Gold, and Black.

We will for sure be picking up this Dyson Vacuum. There is a saving of $150 on this. And Yes, I did ask for a vacuum. I’ve actually been asking for a good one for a few years now! And I will finally be getting one!

My kids have both asked for one of these cameras it comes with a packages of rainbow Insta max film. This cute instant photo camera is regularly $89.99. You are saving a good amount since it comes with a package of film. There are a few different colors which are super cute!

Hactchimals were the hot toy last year and seems to be proving the same again this year. You can’t beat this deal because on Black Friday it will come with a $20 Target gift card. So you are actually making money on this!

Looks like this is the hot gaming system this year. I won’t lie.. this kinda makes me want one. The girls got the DS last year and Brian and I fight to use them because we love them just as much. Mario anyone?!

Target also has tons of awesome door busters if you are planning to brave the crowds. Ton’s of good deal on apparel, kitchen gadgets, and so much more! Get your map and plan ready!


Who love’s Amazon? I do! If you have Prime you really can’t beat ordering anything from Amazon. I also like that I can shop the Amazon deals from home in my pj’s after I have eaten to much Thanksgiving dinner- Or I can shop it from my phone if I’m braving the crowds and out shopping. Check out some of these good deals for Amazon Black Friday-

If you are one for diffusing oils like we are you could check out this diffuser. This is very eye catching. Its a wood grain cool mist diffuser. Check it out! I’ve already ordered this one.

Are you a fitness fan? Well you don’t have to be. If you just enjoy counting your steps and learning more about your health in general grab this fitness tracker. I have a FitBit but I added this one to my wish list this year. Its sleek and the bands can be changed. Hopefully I have been good enough this year to get this!

If you love reading as much as I do, this is a really good deal. The Kindle Paperwhite E-Reader is high resolution and has a built in back light. This makes for an easy take along to read any place that you want. Grab one and and start that book list!

Need a new hair straightener? This is my favorite one out there and this is the cheapest I have seen it. This is absolutely worth the money. This is the one that I use daily! I just replaced my old one that I had for years and yes, I did buy the same exact one to replace my old one. You really can’t go wrong with this and normally they are $149!

A lot of people are looking for electronics on Black Friday, this is the laptop that I use and love. And yes, my kids do have laptops that my in laws got for them. These are amazing for them and they also are able to do their school work on them!


Happy Shopping Friends! I hope you are able to score all the deals and items on your list this year. Oh and a lot of Black Friday deals have already started!! Go check them out today and maybe you won’t have to stress as much come Friday!

Thanks for reading, feel free to like, pin or share! Ps. I love seeing your comments here it makes me feel like Im not just talking to myself hahaha  <3

Happy Thanksgiving!!

XO, Tina